Saturday, 18 February 2012

Ucer Disease or Gastritis

Ulcer disease or medical language is called gastritis is a disease suffered irritation of gastric mucous layer and is often accompanied by infection in the mucosal layer. When ulcer disease lasts long enough to be added thin layer of mucous and acid secretion in the stomach will grow a lot as well as covering the entire mucosal layer. It causes pain and kembungnya will be heavier.

Classified as recalcitrant ulcer disease. There are times when the symptoms disappeared after treatment, but often recur. Once relapse would cause pain in epigastrum (upper abdomen), accompanied by decreased appetite, even anorexia (appetite loss). If it were so, there is a fever accompanied by nausea so sudden vomiting.

Ulcer in general are widely found in many people of various ages, professions, and levels of society. Most people have heard and know the originator of the occurrence of an ulcer as late meals, irregular meals, food or drink that stimulates the production of stomach acid, and stress.

Thus, if you feel symptoms such as nausea, bloating, or begah, sat, or a bitter taste on the tongue, even if you do not feel the pains in the stomach, you may be experiencing symptoms of an ulcer caused by excess stomach acid. Therefore, eating regularly and avoiding trigger factors of ulcer is very important to prevent an ulcer.

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