Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Benefits of Blood Donation

Benefits of Blood Donation

Hearing the word blood donors, many people who shudder to imagine a syringe inserted into kulit.belum again the assumption that said blood donors to make blood in the body decreases, fears and myths that one kind often prevents a person from donating blood.

No wonder if Indonesia is included in the State of the consciousness of its citizens to donate blood rendah.menurut chairman Dr. Sujudi, the current number of donors in Indonesia was 0.6 percent.

So there is a discrepancy between the needs to the availability darah.jumlah blood bags collected PMI every year about 1.2 million kantong.padahal blood needs to reach 3 million bags.

The disaster that struck Indonesia barrage, outbreaks of diseases such as dengue fever, while the number of donors making PMI a bit overwhelmed to meet the demand of blood.

Benefits of blood donors

Blood is a vital part of the man who can not be made tiruannya.karena it, blood donation is a very noble act because it can save lives at critical moments.

In addition to the noble nature, proved to be beneficial to donate blood for health blood donors, blood donation was beneficial to health benefits darah.berikut donors donate blood:

reduce the excess iron in the body
reduce the risk of heart disease
create a more healthy body and blood bugar.menyumbangkan allow the change of new blood so that your metabolism to become fluent.

In addition to health benefits, with the means to donate blood to keep us in order not to lose social concern.

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